m_ott’s avatarm_ott’s Twitter Archive—№ 19,347

        1. …in reply to @mmatuzo
          mmatuzo I remember reading zellwk’s article back in 2016 and also wrote a post about the Safari issue. I briefly switched to pixel-based MQs, but have since changed my mind again.
      1. …in reply to @m_ott
        mmatuzo zellwk Respecting your user’s settings and providing a better experience for people who change their font size is simply more important than a more consistent behavior in just one browser at a small range of widths when zoomed in.
    1. …in reply to @m_ott
      mmatuzo zellwk My rationale for switching to pixels back then was that it would lead to a better experience for all users. I didn’t know or think about the implications regarding font-size settings on accessibility. And so it seemed like the better choice.
  1. …in reply to @m_ott
    mmatuzo zellwk The conclusion drawn in the article you quoted is the complete opposite though. The advice not only ignores the needs of a significant number of users but it’s even harmful when it suggests to “force them to zoom instead.”
    1. …in reply to @m_ott
      mmatuzo zellwk This is not how the Web works IMO. One of the fundamental characteristics of the Web is that it is a flexible medium. It might be hard to accept and yes, this makes designing for the web even harder, but control is an illusion. 😉