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✍️ New post: :focus-visible Is Here 🙌 matthiasott.com/notes/focus-visible-is-here
✨✍️ New post: CSS :has( ) A Parent Selector Now matthiasott.com/notes/css-has-a-parent-selector-now
Wow, TIL! 🤯 “Don’t place <link rel="stylesheet" /> before async snippets” …and many other insights in this excellent, forensic post by csswizardry on CSS and Network Performance: csswizardry.com/2018/11/css-and-network-performance/
Wow, mmatuzo is now suspended? 🤯 Manuel is a well-respected member of the web community, accessibility advocate, and international conference speaker. Please look into this, TwitterSupport – there really must be an error here!
“ARIA isn't for making HTML accessible. It's for making inaccessible HTML accessible.” — heydonworks #btconf
Google trackers are present on 80% of the web traffic. 27% of the web has a hidden Facebook tracking pixel. #privacy #tracking whotracks.me
Interesting! With property, you can now define types, initial values, and more for #CSS custom properties! 🎉 Una explains it nicely: web.dev/at-property/
TIL that there is a
CSS property! It lets you style the blinking cursor in text input fields. And as it turns out, LeaVerou is responsible for the proposal. Thank you, Lea! developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/caret-color -
Not only if you are new to #CSS #animations, this “Interactive Guide to CSS Transitions” by JoshWComeau is well worth your time! Josh provides some really good examples and masterfully explains important concepts like easing, performance, and delays. 👏 joshwcomeau.com/animation/css-transitions/
While you are waiting for #Facebook and #Instagram to be back, why not read a bit about actually owning your creative work by posting on your own personal website? 😉 matthiasott.com/articles/into-the-personal-website-verse
Do you have a personal website or blog? I’m curious: What tech stack/tool/service are you using? And would you pick it again today? 🤗 RT=💚 for all the people who want to get started with their own site as well!
✍️ New article: Into the Personal-Website-Verse matthiasott.com/articles/into-the-personal-website-verse
“Intead of thinking 'were making websites' we need to think 'we're making design systems that make up websites'.” brad_frost #btconf
The Law of Eleventy™ demands that you create a starter project as the first step of your learning journey. 😅 So, here’s mine: Eleventy Plus Vite A clean and fast starter project for eleven_ty with vite_js. github.com/matthiasott/eleventy-plus-vite
…in reply to @MKBHD
MKBHD The “Give it the UI of an iPhone” part is maybe the most intriguing. I mean, the UI of most camera systems really still feels like this today: